Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

'Through love, serve one another' - Galatians 5:13

Lower Rd, Lower Bemerton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 9NW

01722 322848

Forest School

Forest School

Our forest school logo is the winning entry to our school competition. It has been designed by Freya in Year 6.

Creating mud paint and colour mixing

Wrens have been exploring mixing primary colours. They used this knowledge to create their own coloured mud paint in their FS session. 

Forest School After School Club 

We made conker comets to celebrate Bonfire night. The children had to carefully wrap the conkers in strips of tissue paper and then tie them with string to keep the conker in place. 
This took patience and persistence as the conkers wanted to escape the safety of the tissue paper! This also provided the opportunity for some co-operation with a partner whilst they tried to tie the string with a newly learnt - double overhand knot.
The children were very excited to launch the comets after the necessary countdown!

Forest School After School Club 

This week we celebrated a birthday, so we sang 'happy birthday' to the birthday girl whilst she was under the parachute. It was a chilly afternoon this week and we needed warming up. We lit the Kelly Kettle for a celebratory hot chocolate and marshmallows. Yum! 


We enjoyed our first FS session last week. We spent some time changing into our outdoor  clothes and we were very eager to explore. We first walked the boundary and spotted any hazards and then we were off to explore! We enjoyed an outdoor snack and talked about our FS rules.

As part of the FS ethos the children set their own rules and  some very sensible suggestions.

We divided into two groups this week. We began with walking the boundaries to identify any hazards. We then had time to explore. One group  went to the small den and created their own tea parties. Another group used the hill and throne to imagine they were kings in their castle, and sent people to jail (the big den) for trying to blow up the king! This all developed from our prior learning about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot.

We ended the session with some singing around the parachute. 

During Wrens Forest School session we played tick-tack-toe or 'three in a row'. This was a continuation of our number work in class this week and supported our prior learning. We also enjoyed looking under logs to find worms, woodlouse and slugs!  

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