Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

'Through love, serve one another' - Galatians 5:13

Lower Rd, Lower Bemerton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 9NW

01722 322848


Welcome to Robins Class Page

Welcome back to Term 4! We hope you had an amazing half term and you are well rested.  We know that you will be ready to work as hard as you have done last term!


Mrs Howell and Mrs Lock are the class teachers; Mrs Howell teaches on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and Mrs Lock teaches on a Thursday.

Mrs Bennett is our Teaching Assistant on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and Mrs Picton is with us on a Wednesday. 


On this page, we have included the timetable and a curriculum plan for the year so that you can see what we will be learning about. Please also find the spellings that children will need to know by the end of Year 1. We will of course be learning these in school but it is always beneficial to practice these regularly at home also.


Please click here for our class timetable and here for our curriculum plan.

Year 1 Spellings can be found here.  

Please click here for the Year 1 Welcome Presentation.


A few things to note

Breaks/Lunch: KS1 morning break is at 10:30am, where a fruit snack is provided; if you would like to order milk for your child, please speak to the office. Lunchtime is at 12:00pm (please see the Clever Chefs menu for the food choices for lunches). We also have an afternoon break at 2:00pm in KS1.

PE: Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please come to school dressed in PE kit and trainers on these days, ensuring that all clothing adheres to our uniform policy. It may also be a good idea to have a plastic bag for muddy trainers.

Reading: Reading remains a very important part of KS1 and the expectation is to read at least five times a week to an adult at home. Please ensure the reading record is signed each time. Books will be changed on a Monday and a Thursday. Please continue to use your book bags, no large rucksacks are needed.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask us : ) .

This term, our writing will based on the Traditional Tales 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'The Three Little Pigs'. We will be reading a few different versions of the story. Keep an eye out for some pictures of the fantastic writing that we will produce this term!

Robins have produced some fantastic writing this term. We have learnt about adjectives and used these in our writing. We have also sequenced both traditional tales, created a 'Wanted Poster' for the Big Bad Wolf and re-written both stories. 

In science this term we will be focusing on materials and their properties. Towards the end of the term we will be carrying out a fun experiment that involves testing different materials. Keep an eye out for some photos showing this experiment!

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