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Speak Out. Stay Safe
We are pleased to inform you that we are participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme this term. Speak out. Stay safe. is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a safe adult or Childline.
This child friendly programme is aligned with the curriculum and consists of age appropriate virtual assemblies and supporting classroom based activities. The content is delivered in an engaging and interactive way with the help of the NSPCC mascot Buddy. If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme visit www.nspcc.org.uk/speakout.
For advice for parents on a range of subjects click on this link Support for parents | NSPCC
At 11 o'clock we all stopped and fell silent for 2 minutes to remember all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our nation.
During the week each class created a wreath to lay at the Lych-gate.