Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Bemerton St John Primary School, we aim to identify children with Special Educational Needs (SEND) as soon as possible, in order to implement early intervention to support.
Mrs Skuse, our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo), works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. She is a qualified teacher and SENCO and is also a Specialist leader in Education in SEND and SEMH (SLE) as well as having her mental health first aid training and being the Senior mental health lead for the school. Mrs Skuse liaises regularly with outside agencies that provide additional support to the school, including Speech and Language Therapy, Behaviour Support Services, Educational Psychology, Specialist SEN Services (SSENS), child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), school nursing and pediatric services.
We understand the importance of fostering strong positive relationships with our parents and so work hard to take your views and considerations into account when catering for the specific needs of any SEN children in our school. Communication with your class teacher and Mrs Skuse is actively encouraged if you feel your child may require alternative provision.
The SEN provision is monitored very closely by the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that all interventions are effective and matched to the child's needs. We deliver a range of quality first teaching strategies, group and individual intervention sessions and enrichment opportunities. Interventions are reviewed three times a year in collaboration with class teachers and parents to ensure the most effective provision. Targets are assessed, adapted and changed where necessary to allow children with special educational needs to achieve to the best of their ability. The school ensures that staff are offered training and updates in relation to SEND.
We are lucky to have a fantastic Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA), Mrs Newman who provides emotional support throughout the school and is also our family link worker, and Mr Burns who is a THRIVE practitioner of which Mrs Skuse is also trained as a leader.
Please click below to read our SEND Information Report and SEND policy.
SEND information report November 2022
You can visit the Wiltshire Local Offer by clicking here.