Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

Bemerton St John C of E Primary School

'Through love, serve one another' - Galatians 5:13

Lower Rd, Lower Bemerton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP2 9NW

01722 322848


Swallows class page 2023-24

Miss Blick, Mrs Lingham and Mrs Saffiotti

Mrs Lock will also teach on Wednesday afternoons this term.

Welcome back to Term 5 Swallows!

Hope you had a lovely Easter holiday!

We have had a lovely first day back doing Athletics on the field, exploring volume and capacity in Maths using water and containers and acting out the story of Jack and the Beanstalk!



Our PE days are still the same. Gym is on Monday afternoon and Netball is on Tuesday morning with Jody. Please  send your child in with the correct PE kit. Please make sure your child has trousers and not shorts due to the weather.

 In Maths, we have been exploring place value and getting really confident at identifying tens and ones in 2 digit numbers.

In Writing, we have been retelling our 'Defeating the Monster' story from Roald Dahl's The Twits. 

We have also been practicing writing in the past tense and using a range of conjunctions!

Muggle Whump's monkey gang and the birds are teaching Mr and Mrs Twit a lesson.

Take a look at our wonderful writing!

In Science, we have been hands on using observing and classifying inquiry skills:  exploring the properties of different materials and classifying objects in our environment by their material.


Important information:

Please scroll down for our timetable this term, curriculum overview for the year and list of Y1/2 spelling words.

 Breaks/Lunch: KS1 morning break is at 10:30am, where a fruit snack is provided. Lunchtime is at 12:00pm (please see the recent menu for the food choices for lunches). We also have an afternoon break at 2:00pm in KS1.

PE will continue to be on a Monday and Tuesday - please come to school dressed in the appropriate PE kit.

Some other things to note:

  • PE kits must be school colours.
  • Children should be bringing in book bags and not rucksacks.
  • Books are now changed on Mondays and Thursdays.


 Homework will continue to be set on a  Friday and is due in the following Wednesday- this will be on the Learn Platform and must be completed in homework books and handed in.  

Please CLICK HERE to download a copy of the Year 1 and 2 spellings which your child needs to know.


Some of the fun learning and activities we have will be doing in our first week in Swallows...

Making our class charter

Reading our class text by Roald Dahl: Fantastic Mr Fox

Exploring everyday materials around us in Science





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